Monday, September 26, 2011

Dealing with depression naturally

Prevention is far better than cure as it can be costly to pay for chronic medication if you do not have medical aid. Apart from the cost factor, it can be dangerous to take medication and this is especially when certain medications contra-indicate each other. Two such types of medications are medications for depression and high blood pressure. Ironically, both of these conditions can be long term and therefore require chronic medication. It is the long term taking of harmful medicine that causes problems for the body. Some medications if taken simultaneously can be quite lethal to say the least.

Today, more than ever, people are succumbing to depression for a variety of reasons. Even young children are falling prey to this very debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world and certainly in America are experiencing the consequences of depression. As many people are into the quick fix mentality, they opt for medication instead of dealing with the issues that are causing the depression. At the same time, many people suffer from high blood pressure and they too opt for medication rather than addressing the issues that cause hypertension in the first place.

The challenge lies with people who suffer from both these conditions and who take prescription medication for both of the ailments. Certain medications for these two conditions do contra-indicate each other and this can be dangerous.

Depression can occur for a variety of reasons and some of these are related to chemical imbalances in the brain. Often, people with depression have an imbalance of dopamine or serotonin and doctors are swift to prescribe medication for this condition. Dopamine and serotonin affect more than just the brain as the body needs chemicals to perform a variety of tasks. The body needs these naturally occurring chemicals to help stave off atherosclerosis. So if a patient has low serotonin levels and this is not addressed then that person would become an increased risk for developing coronary artery disease. The person will also be a higher risk of developing hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Dopamine on the other hand is used to elevate blood pressure in people who have hypotension (low blood pressure). There is a risk of people going into shock if their blood pressure drops to unacceptable levels. The problem lies in cases where people who have depression and hypertension and who take dopamine based anti-depressants. The dopamine would be working to elevate the blood pressure in a patient that already has high blood pressure. This is a not a good situation at all.

It must be said that not all anti-depressants contain ingredients that work against hypertension, but one should nevertheless be cautious of what treatment one is taking. It is far better to look towards other options of reducing the blood pressure and getting rid of the depression. Exercise would help both these conditions in a positive way. Exercise causes the release of endorphins which help to make one feel better and this will help in a great way for the depression. Exercise also helps to reduce excess weight and obesity and hypertension go hand in hand. Aside from the above example, these drugs contain other chemicals that are not healthy when consumed on a chronic basis.

Other lifestyle changes will benefit both of these conditions at the same time and bring about much relief. Eating more foods that fat free is one good strategy to employ. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and make sure that you get to drink enough water every day. Supplementing your diet with liquid ionic minerals will also help to keep the body and mind functioning at optimum levels.

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