Monday, September 26, 2011

Interpretations of the Act of Love

Men and women are very different, we all know that, but sometimes men forget that women interpret the act of love in a very different way than men do.

There has been much written about how men and women interpret the act of "love" differently. While these writings tend to dwell on the underlying psychological differences between the sexes, they often do not look at how the interpretation of lovemaking changes in situations where the man has erectile dysfunction. As this issue is actually quite common, with most experts believing that every man will at least once have trouble with his erectile function, it presents a situation that should be addressed. In addition, the changes that happen when a man uses a drug, such as Generic Viagra or Kamagra, are valid points to the discussion.

When a man starts to have a problem in reaching an erectile state that will work for sexual encounters, the interpretations of lovemaking begin to change. Instead of thinking about the pleasure that lovemaking will bring, the man has more anxiety because of the conflicting aspects of the sexual intercourse in his mind. On the one hand, he truly wants to enjoy the sexual activity. At the same time, he is worried about his performance. If he continues to have failed sexual experiences, then the worry will eventually overtake the anticipation of pleasure and he will stop trying to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever. With a drug like Generic Viagra, the worry disappears as the man can see a tangible result from taking the drug.

As for the woman, she will also see a change in her interpretation of the act of love. Most women view sexual activity as part of an overall emotional connection in a relationship. Because of this interpretation, the lack of sexual intercourse naturally leads to feelings that the emotional connection between the couple has faded or disappeared. Of course, this is not the case in relationships with an "ED man", but it can be viewed that way. However, this idea changes once the man begins taking either Kamagra or Generic Viagra and is ready for sexual activity on a constant daily basis. Therefore, the interpretation of lovemaking while the man is using Generic Viagra will be emotionally stronger and will help to improve the overall relationship.

See also:nutrition fast food restaurants, top fad diet

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